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School Ethos


Creating Opportunity; Realising Potential; Developing Individuals.

Mission Statement 

Offering high quality education within a caring community whose values are based on Christian principles.

School Aims

It is the aim of Kilkeel High School that all our students will:

  • Develop enquiring minds which will see learning as a lifelong experience.
  • Achieve their full potential, irrespective of age, ability, race or gender.
  • Develop the attitudes and skills that will enable them to take their place as responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.
  • Be self-disciplined and capable of making informed decisions, independently and collaboratively.
  • Take responsibility for their own physical well-being.
  • Enjoy good relationships with peers and staff, caring for each other and valuing the diversity that exists among us.
  • Show courtesy and good manners, respecting themselves and others within the school, the local community and the global environment.


To enable our students to fulfil these aims we will endeavour to:

  • Provide a well-balanced, structured and challenging curriculum, supported by high quality teaching, which  will meet the learning needs of all.
  • Provide a supportive learning environment which cultivates self-esteem and enables students of all abilities  to develop confidence, act with initiative and adopt , positive attitudes towards themselves and others.
  • Ensure that the school is an orderly and disciplined community in which consideration for others, courtesy  and good manners are encouraged and a  positive attitude  towards discipline, conduct and authority sustained.
  • Teach the importance of social responsibility and provide opportunities for students to show community spirit and environmental awareness.
  • Teach the benefits of exercise, good nutrition, hygiene and good health practices.
  • Develop effective two-way channels of communication and an active partnership between home, school and community.
  • Develop a culture of celebrating achievement in all its forms.